Tuberous Breast Correction Surgery
Tuberous Breasts, which are also known as tubular breasts is a congenital abnormality that results in the breasts not fully developing after puberty. It is known to cause a lot psychological agony among girls due to improper development of breasts. However, with surgical correction, many women have reported regaining their self esteem with the change in the shape of their breasts. Here is a look at the tuberous breast correction surgery.
What characerizes tuberous breasts?

In most cases, women suffering from tuberous breasts do not have fully formed and developed breasts even after puberty. There can be a very large gap between the breasts. Sometimes, the size of the areola can be too big while the breast itself is too small, making them look disproportional. The breasts remain constricted at the base, giving them a tube like shape, from which the condition derives its name.
What is the tuberous breast correction surgery?
In the correction surgery, plastic surgeons place saline or silicone implants to make the breasts full and well rounded. The procedure that is performed when the patient is under anesthesia involves making incisions as per the requirement in order to create a pocket in which the implants will be placed.
The procedure that is followed during the surgery varies from individual to individual. Normally, the surgery is also combined with breast reconstruction and breast lift, depending on the shape of the patient’s breasts and the kind of end result desired.
Candidate for the tuberous breast correction surgery
The surgery requires you to be a non-smoker with full awareness about your condition. It takes longer for the wounds to heal if you are a smoker, hence most surgeons would not entertain you if you are a smoker. You are first educated about the abnormality and counselled about the options and the kind of results that you can expect. You need to be 22 years old to take up the surgery.
Costs involved
Tubular breast correction surgery can cost you anywhere between $5000 to $8000, depending on the surgeon you choose and your location. Other factors that would influence the price are the kind of implants you choose and whether you would need a breast lift and reconstruction alongside. Since this is a congenital disorder, there are all the possibilities that your insurance would cover the surgery. So make sure that you check with your insurance provider before categorizing it as another plastic surgery that would not be covered by insurance.
After care and risks involved in the surgery
If you are getting the procedure done through a board certified plastic surgeon, then your risks are few. Complications are rare when you go to a plastic surgeon with a good reputation. You may experience a small amount of numbness in the breasts after the surgery. The sutures are normally small and get absorbed soon. You can resume work and normal activities within a week of surgery while exercising can be resumed in a couple of weeks. It will take you 3-4 months to see the full blown results of the surgery.
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