Troubleshoot Why None of Your Acne Treatments is Working

What is the first thing that comes in your mind when you think about ‘acne treatments’? – ‘They do not work’! And if I’m not wrong, it is your ‘experience’ that you have gathered since your teenage to this late twenty, which is making you believe this way, right? Alright. Let us troubleshoot this issue today. Following are some vital questions that you should ask yourself before concluding that your acne treatment is actually useless. Here we go:

Have I Consulted a Dermatologist?
Oh yes! You can’t opt for just any so-called ‘acne treatment product’ available in the market and wind up by blaming all other similar options in general. If you want a long-term result, you have to seek the help of a professional and choose a prescription treatment. It can even save your skin from the harms that you have already done to it in terms of various acne-treating experiments.
Am I Following My Dermatologist’s Advices?
So you have already seen an expert and he / she has devised an effective acne treatment plan for you. Great! But are you following it religiously? It has been found that almost half of the people do not follow through the treatment plan properly, which prevents them from getting true results. If you don’t want this, simply stick to the plan and keep in touch with your derm.

 Am I Using a Verified Acne Treatment?
You are not at all ready to see a pro for treating your acne. Rather, you feel much comfortable in giving the commercial acne treatments a try. Well, in that case, you must find a product that is verified for its results. The market is flooded with hundreds of similar options and all of them claim to be the best. But you should always go for ones that contain active ingredients, such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, etc. These are proven acne treatments and hence, you would not get disappointed at the end.

Am I Regular with My Acne Treatment?
Do I need to tell any more regarding how stubborn those small, red ‘demons’ are? You must have a better idea about it and here comes the importance of getting regular with your treatment plan. Most of the commercial acne treatments offer cumulative outcomes. In other words, the more reliably you will use them, the better they will work. So, just forget about skipping their applications and hope to get good results within a few months.
Am I Following the Proper Direction?
It is of utmost importance that you use the acne treatments as per the directions mentioned on the packaging. No matter how small your mistake is, it can avert you from achieving the best outcomes. So, be very particular about it and use the treatments exactly as directed.
Have I used It Long Enough to Conclude?
Finally, check whether you have used the treatment continuously for minimum 10 to 12 weeks. This is not rocket science and of course, you can never expect overnight results. Each and every acne treatment works slowly and steadily and hence, you should give yourself a time span of 10 to 12 weeks in order to judge the effectiveness of the treatment.
So, when your acne treatment is not working, just ask yourself these simple questions and find out the reason behind it.

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