Home Remedies To Cure Acne Due To Dandruff

Are you troubled by acne on your forehead? Are you embarrassed by tiny little freckles taking the beauty of your face away? You may be prone to acne caused by dandruff. What ?Acne due to dandruff? Yes! Dandruff flakes make your forehead just like hair and scalp – itchy. You scratch your scalp and forehead and when you do that you are inviting pimples. Dandruff also makes your head oily, another reason why acne develops. There are many creams and treatments available to cure the acne caused by dandruff. If you are looking for  cost effective natural chemical free method, go for home remedies to cure acne caused due to dandruff.

Causes of Acne due to Dandruff
First and foremost it is of prime importance to cure dandruff, the very reason why dandruff caused acne rise. To avoid any further acne from developing, give these simple often ignored home remedies to cure dandruff a go.
Tips to cure and prevent dandruff that causes acne
  • Brush your hair regularly. This will remove all the dandruff flakes, if any.
  • Switch to herbal anti dandruff shampoos. They will help you get rid of dandruff better than the normal shampoos
  • Use a wide teethed comb after shampoo and any time over the narrow thin ones. They smoothly comb your hair, remove knots and also comb down, dandruff flakes easily.

Home remedies to cure acne due to dandruff
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil, deeply moistens the scalp, eroding flakes if any in your hair. Coconut oil with its anti fungal properties, aids in removal of dandruff which causes acne in the first place. Hot coconut oil soothes the head besides as a natural remedy for cure of dandruff that causes acne.
Yoghurt and lemon Mask
Yoghurt and lemon, both have acidic properties to boast of, naturally. It’s antioxidant and antibacterial properties too make it a lucrative and natural option to cure acne caused by dandruff. Whisk yoghurt and few drops of lemon in a clean bowl to make a mask, preferably thick for easy application. Leave the mask on for nearly 15-20 minutes. After which you can rinse it off with cold water.

Chocolate Oatmeal Mask
For all those who averse chocolate thinking it’s not good for health, think again. Chocolate in combination with oatmeal is a great remedy to cure acne caused due to dandruff. In a clean pan, heat chocolate and melt it, once its melted add oatmeal, cottage cheese (paneer), cream and honey. Stir it thoroughly to make a mask, apply and leave it on for couple of minutes, say about 15 minutes after which you rinse it off with cold water. Make sure the water is neither too cold, nor too warm, more towards neutral/room temperature. Oatmeal eradicates impurities, clears the skin of toxins, while chocolate consists of the necessary antioxidants that are known to balance.
Aloe Vera Gel
Call Aloe Vera your natural magic wand to cure you off dandruff and acne, naturally. Scout for fresh Aloe Vera for optimum results. Apply the Aloe Vera in a gel form, on the acne and scalp and let it rest for 15 minutes. This will allow the skin and scalp to absorb the anti-fungal and antioxidant properties in the skin and ease the skin of toxins and pores. Rinse the aloe vera gel with water.
Almond Oil
Rich in Vitamin E, almond oil is a definitive and a highly recommended source to keep your hair healthy and shiny. Almond oil massage, rids the hair of dandruff and also soothes itchiness and dryness, clearing the dandruff and acne with regular application.
Remember, Rome was not built in a day. Similarly, the dandruff and acne may take more than a day to any amount of time. Don’t give up on home remedies just because you don’t see instant results. Also, it is advisable you take your doctor’s advice to ensure you are doing the remedies rightly and are not prone to allergies (you are not aware of) that react otherwise.


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