Most Effective Overnight Facial Regimen that You Should Follow

Do you simply fall into the bed after an exhausting day? Do fatigue and sleepiness swallow you up as soon as you reach home at night? If yes, then it is high time for you to motivate yourself for following an overnight facial regimen strictly. It will not only improve your look for the very next day, but also give you a healthy and glowing skin forever. Here is what you actually need to do:

1. Remove Your Makeup
Start with wiping off your makeup. From your skin to your eyes to your lips, every single part is loaded with chemicals and it is of utmost importance that you get rid of them before going to bed. A non-oil-based makeup remover and a cotton pad are all you need for this purpose. It is even better to use a good quality eye makeup remover to make your eyes makeup-free. In case, you don’t have an eye makeup remover, simply use a few drops of baby shampoo.
2. Cleanse Your Face
Whether you are a makeup person or not, cleansing your face every night is essential. Choose a mild yet effective facial cleanser and lukewarm water to ward off dirt, dust, excess oil and all other sorts of impurities from your face. Oily-skinned beauties should use a glycolic acid or salicylic acid cleanser to get a squeaky clean skin. If cleanser is unable to eliminate the traces of makeup, just pour a few drops of olive oil onto a cotton pad and wipe off the troubled areas with it.

3. Exfoliate as Needed
Exfoliation is the key to a healthy skin. Hence, you must include it in your overnight facial regimen for the best results. Use a gentle scrub and exfoliate your skin by moving a warm damp washcloth or simply your fingertips in circular motion. Do it twice or thrice every week.
4. Tone It Up
Your skin pores might have been opened up due to cleansing and exfoliating. Close them by misting a toner to your face. If you have a dry to normal skin, try to avoid a toner containing alcohol. Or else, your skin will get irritated.
5. Moisturize Sufficiently
Each time you wash your face, you end up ripping essential oils off your skin. Application of a good moisturizer right after toning can help you restore it efficiently. So, slather it onto your face and massage your skin gently with it for a few minutes. Find a moisturizing cream enriched with hyaluronic acid, which can help your skin cells hold water up to the morning, thereby making your face look soft, smooth and supple.

6. Apply a Night Cream
Night is the time when our skin repairs itself and night creams are meant to accelerate the process. These products contain certain components like alpha hydroxy acid, retinol, etc., which play key roles in invigorating our skin. But as these chemicals are unable to work in sunlight, these creams are intended for using at night only.
7. Use an Eye Cream

Last but not the least; keep the delicate under eye area healthy and smooth by applying an eye cream every night. Look for a cream or serum that comprises lots of vitamins like A, C, E and K. It will help you keep your under eye areas hydrated and prevent issues like dark circles, fine lines, wrinkles and hollowing.

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