Chin Injections vs. Chin Implant – Which is a Better Choice?
A perfect chin can amplify the beauty of our face to a great extent. Mild to moderate chin deficiency can take a toll on our self-esteem and there are two popular procedures – chin injections and chin implant – that can be adopted to get rid of this situation. But which one is a better choice for this purpose? Should you go for the fillers or choose an implant to suit your face? Reveal the truth here:

Things You Should Know About Chin Injections
1. Procedure
1. Procedure
Chin enhancement with injections is known to be an all-compassing technique. In this method, Juvederm, Radiesse, Aquamid, Restylane, Hyaluronic Acid, or other similar fillers are injected alongside the chin so that the tissues present in that section are elevated and the implant gets simulated. It can be performed anytime, anywhere with or without local anesthesia. It is basically suitable for small amount of enhancement and is mostly used in the region of the mouth for achieving perfect smile lines.
2. Down-Time
As it is not a complicated surgery, there is very little or almost no down-time. The procedure does not involve major pain, risks or adverse side effects. Hence, you also do not need to worry about anything like post-surgical maintenance.
3. Results
The results of chin injections are temporary. You can notice the change instantly or 4 to 5 days after undergoing the procedure. In general, you can enjoy the effects of this process for 1 year or so. After that, you have to repeat the entire procedure every 1 or 2 year to maintain the similar results. However, if you want to perform a very small augmentation with injections, using fillers like Aquamid will keep you tension-free for as long as 5 years.
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4. Amount Required
When it comes to augmenting the chin with injectibles, you need to be clear about exactly how much volume should be increased. Depending upon your requirement, you might have to use a considerable amount of filler for getting a similar result to a surgery.

5. Time Required
The entire process of augmenting chin with injections is extremely easy and can be done in a very short time. If you have only 25 to 30 minutes of free time in your hand, you are ready to go.
6. Cost
The costs of chin injections vary depending on the types of filler and the volume needs to be augmented. Usually, it ranges between $400 and $1000 per session, which goes significantly as you need to repeat the procedure every 1 or 2 year.
Things You Should Know About Chin Implant
1. Procedure
Chin implants can either be placed by performing a surgery (mentoplasty) or cutting as well as changing the position of the mandibular bone (genioplasty). The first one is more common and a solid implant is screwed right over the mandibular bone in it. If you want a vast change in your chin area, an implant is always the best option.
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2. Down-Time
Being a surgery, it comes with certain risks and you need to be careful about post-surgical maintenance. The down-time is quite longer for this process. You should also be aware of the adverse side effects that can affect you.

3. Results
Chin implants are permanent. Once you are done with the surgery, there is no need to repeat it in your lifetime.
5. Cost
The procedure is cheaper than chin injections as you go for it once in a lifetime only.
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Bottom Line
Both chin injections and chin implant are good choices for enhancing the chin. But considering the cost factor as well as the impact, it can be concluded that implants are reasonably better than the fillers.
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