LipoDissolve – Things to Consider Before Giving It a Shot
Are you dying to shed off those extra pounds that are piling up around your tummy and waistline? Do you hate going under knife at any situation and are looking for a viable alternative to the surgical fat reducing procedure liposuction? You have come to the right page. We will be discussing about LipoDissolve in this article. Go through to know more:

What is LipoDissolve?
LipoDissolve is basically a non-invasive cosmetic procedure in which an effective formula containing certain homeopathic agents as well as synthetic medications (approved by the FDA) is injected directly into the fat deposits in order to break down the cells completely. It is mainly suitable for treating body parts like lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips, arms, flanks, neck, jowls, saddle bags, etc. and accelerates the removal of fat which do not respond to diet and workout.
How Does It Work?
- At first, the special formula is prepared and injected into the problem areas of the body with the help of small sharp needles.
- The medicines used in the injectible work directly on the walls of the fat cells and dissolve them through the method called ‘lysis’. As a result, the fatty deposits get released from the cells.
- After that, the released fat is transferred to the liver by the lymphatic system. It gets metabolized there and the unnecessary part is excreted through urine.
- One can get rid of 1-inch fat during every LipoDissolve session and there should be a gap of 4 weeks between two consecutive sessions.
- The number of sessions to be arranged depends upon the amount of fat to be eliminated.
Ideal Candidates
People with trouble fatty areas and keen interest in spot fat loss are considered as ideal candidates for this procedure. Those who have issues like AIDS, cancer, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, acute metabolic disorders, anorexia nervosa, psychological impediment, diabetes, should not undergo this treatment. New moms, pregnant women and kids should also stay away from LipoDissolve.
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- The changes are first visible anywhere between 4 and 7 weeks after starting the treatment. However, you can enjoy the final outcomes only after continuing the treatment up to 12 weeks.
- The fat removal offered by LipoDissolve is permanent.
Recovery Time
This technique does not need significant downtime. Hence, the patients can resume their daily activities almost immediately.

Risks and Side Effects
Some common complications that arise during and after the treatment are swelling, bruising, itching, and tenderness. However, all these go away after 10 to 12 days of the beginning of the treatment.
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- Uses homeopathic medications for safe and secure treatment.
- Non-invasive procedure with no significant pain or discomfort.
- Gives visible results in a very short time.
- Comes with zero downtime and minimal complications.
- Makes skin laxity better.
- Helps improve post-liposuction abnormalities.
- Offers great patient satisfaction.
The total expense associated with LipoDissolve may vary widely depending upon the number of areas to be treated and the amount of fat to be removed. In general, the average cost of every single session of the treatment ranges between $375 and $1,500.
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