How to Take Oatmeal Bath for Both Dry Itchy and Oily Skin?

If you are not blessed with a normal or combination skin, the chance is big that you suffer a lot either from dry, itchy skin or an extremely oily one. Expensive commercial skincare products can certainly help you get rid of these issues. But if you want something cheap and natural, you should give the oatmeal bath a try. Read on below to know more:

Oatmeal Bath for Dry, Itchy Skin
Whether your skin is naturally dry and itchy or you have an eczema flare up, you can always go for an oatmeal bath to soothe your skin and heal it fast. Oats are highly beneficial in hydrating dry skin and reducing inflammation.
Ingredients Required:
  • Plain oats – 1 or 2 handfuls
  • A piece of old muslin cloth
  • A rubber band
Steps to Follow:
  1. Start with cleaning and washing the piece of old muslin cloth. If you don’t have muslin at your home, you may take a clean old pair of tights or even panty hose. However, you need to prepare it for the next step. So, just cut a large section from any one leg of it and keep the remaining portion aside. In case you are going to use the middle portion of the leg, you have to tie other two ends in order to create a loop.
  2. The oats taken here are plain porridge oats as we are simply going to add it to the water for bathing. Just place them onto the muslin cloth, gather all its edges and seal them with the help of the rubber band. It should take the shape of a firm balloon. If you are using a pair of tights or panty hose, you have to pour the oats into it and tie a knot at the open end in order to secure it.
  3. Now, prepare water for your bath. In case of the muslin cloth, just release the content of the balloon into it, while the oat bag made of the pair of tights or panty hose itself should be popped into the bath.
  4. Run hot water over the released oats or the bag filled with it. The water will gradually turn milky white in color.
  5. Pour cold water in order to make the temperature of your bathing water bearable. Squeeze the oat bag so that it can release more milky water. On the other hand, clean, wash and dry the piece of muslin for reuse.
  6. Now, blend the water a little with your hands and bath in it for not more than 10 minutes. The pat bag can be used as a sponge during bathing instead of harsh soaps. Once you are done with your bathing, simply discard the oat bag.
  7. Finally, pat your skin dry with a soft cotton towel and apply a good quality body lotion or moisturizer.

Oatmeal Bath for Oily Skin
It has been found that rolled oats are capable of absorbing extra oil secreted from our body. So, using it in your bathing water can help you fight against your greasy skin too.
Ingredients Required:
  • Rolled oats – 1 or 2 handfuls
  • Epsom salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
 Steps to Follow:
  1. Place the rolled oats inside a coffee grinder or a simple mixer grinder and prepare powder of it. Make sure that the texture of the powder is so that it can be dissolved in the bathing water easily.
  2. Now, prepare lukewarm water for your bath. Pour the pulverized oats into it. Also, add the Epsom salt and baking soda to the water and mix well with your hands.
  3. Bath and relax in this water mixture for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Finally, pat dry your skin and apply a good body lotion or moisturizer all over it.
So, are you ready for a quick oatmeal bath?

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