How to Get Thicker Lashes – A Few Must-Try Tips for You
Beautiful eyelashes can always make our eyes stand out. But it is not at all easy to get thick and lush lashes naturally. Hence, we should make our best efforts to sculpt our eyelashes perfectly by making them longer, thicker and more attractive. Here are some must-try tips for you:

1. Apply Mascara like a Pro
While applying mascara on your eyelashes, make sure that you abide by the following rules:
- Start with curling your lashes with an eyelash curler. As you are trying to make your lashes thicker, cover them with one or two coats of primer to avoid clumping before getting into the main job.
- Choose a cream-based mascara for obtaining fat killer lashes. Beginning from the base of your lashes, twist the wand a little back and forth and then move it through their edges. You need to apply at least 2-3 coats with a drying time of 2 minutes between them.
- Make sure that you brush the upper section of your eyelashes after each coat dries. Doing it with an eyelash comb will create a ‘feathery’ effect, which will eventually make the lashes appear thicker.
- For mega-thick eyelashes, you should grip the mascara wand straight up and swipe it from internal to external corner of your lower lashes.
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2. Get a Pair of Falsies
- Wearing falsies can give you a more dramatic look by making your actual eye lashes appear voluminous. However, always buy false lashes that are well-manicured and glue them to your lash lines perfectly.
- It is better to use a good quality adhesive instead of the one that comes with the fake eye lash kits. It will help the falsies stay still in their places for long, thereby offering you an amazing lashed-out look.
3. Try Eyelash Extensions
- If false eyelashes are not your cup of tea, go for eyelash extensions. In this method, artificial lashes (available in small strips or sections) are placed in between the actual lashes of a person. The result can last up to a few weeks.
- Always lie on your back while sleeping with your eyelash extensions on. Also, carefully brush them out every single day. These would prevent tangling, thereby improving the life of your fatter lashes.

4. Use Eyelash Growth Serum
- There are several go-to serums in the market which can be used for enhancing the growth and thickness of our original eyelashes. They contain essential vitamins and other nutrients to make the lashes strong and healthy, which can eventually turn them rich and lush.
Also Read – How to grow longer eyelashes naturally Here
5. Consume Right Nutrients
- If you want to grow your eyelashes thicker in a natural way, focus on your food consumption. Instead of taking readily available food supplements, live on a well-balanced diet to avert eyelash fall.
- Increase your vitamin B intake as much as possible. It has been found that biotin rich foods can lead to lesser eyelash fall out. Hence, consume plenty of carrots, legumes, bananas, egg yolks, mushrooms, and so on.
6. Change Your Habits
Your makeup habits can lead to significant fall of your eyelashes. So, keep the following in mind:
- Stop using expired eye makeup products, like mascara, eye liner, etc.
- Stay away from applying waterproof mascara over and over again.
- Make it a point to remove your eye makeup with a gentle makeup remover each and every night before sleeping.
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