Get Informed About Laser and Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction
You must have heard a lot about traditional liposuction and are aware enough about the entire procedure. But do you know about two of its newer and better counterparts? Well, we are talking about Laser-Assisted Liposuction and Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction. Get all important information about these two methods from this article.

What are Laser and Ultrasound Assisted Liposuctions?
Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LaserLipo) – This is one of the best liposuction treatments, which makes use of super-effective laser technology. It employs a high-power focused laser beam to contract the collagen bundles and fibrous bands present in our skin, while liquefying the fat deposits and cauterizing the blood vessels running through them. It facilitates fat removal, reduces post-procedural bruising and makes the skin smoother.
Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LaserLipo) – This is one of the best liposuction treatments, which makes use of super-effective laser technology. It employs a high-power focused laser beam to contract the collagen bundles and fibrous bands present in our skin, while liquefying the fat deposits and cauterizing the blood vessels running through them. It facilitates fat removal, reduces post-procedural bruising and makes the skin smoother.
- Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) – This liposuction method uses ultrasound for making the task of suctioning fat tissue easy. The high-frequency energy of ultrasound usually ruptures the membranes of fat cells, breaks them down and dislodges them completely.
Both of them are helpful in contouring our body in areas like abdomen, waist, buttocks, hips, chin, cheeks, neck, arms, thighs, knees, ankles, etc., which do not get into shape easily.
How Do They Work?
- Laser-Assisted Liposuction – In this procedure,a small incision is made in the part of the body which needs to be treated. A laser fiber is used to focus low-energy waves on the fat deposits present there in order to liquefy them. Then a small cannula is inserted into the incision and the melted fat is sucked out nicely.
- Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction – In this method, a small incision is formed in the targeted body part and a cannula is placed inside it. Now, ultrasonic waves are applied to the fat tissue through the cannula, which is also used for sucking out the melted fat. It can be performed both internally as well as externally.
Ideal Candidates
Those who have good health, supple skin, moderate body weight, no smoking habit and realistic approach to the surgery are considered as the best candidates for these treatments. There is also no age restriction for undergoing laser and ultrasound assisted liposuctions.
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- Results of both laser and ultrasound assisted liposuctions are immediately visible and permanent. The final outcomes might be experienced after 6 months or sometimes even 1 years of the surgeries.
- The procedures lead to a perfectly shaped body with a firmer and young-looking skin. However, you need to take care of your diet and follow a suitable workout routine religiously in order to maintain the results.

Recovery Time
You have to take rest at least for 2 days. After that, you can return to light works and activities. Make sure that you do not resume strenuous activities before 3 to 4 weeks.
Risks and Side Effects
Complications that arise during and after laser and ultrasound assisted liposuctions are almost same. These include infection, swelling, scarring, bleeding, bruising, numbness, blisters, anesthetic reaction, changes in skin pigmentation, burning sensation, asymmetry, nerve damage, dimpling, etc.
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- Both of these techniques are comparatively less invasive than similar other procedures. But the end results you get are simply awesome.
- Offers excellent body contouring with supple and youthful skin.
- They do not need general anesthesia.
- Pain, scarring, bruising – all are minimal.
The total costs of laser-assisted liposuction and ultrasound assisted liposuction may vary widely depending upon the type of procedure, number of body parts to be treated, expertise of the surgeon, quality of the medical devices used, and so on. However, the average expense ranges between $3,500 and $9,000.
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