8 Things You Should Know Before Doing an Eyebrow Wax
When it comes to giving your bold eyebrows a perfect shape, the eyebrow waxing is considered to be the trendiest concept. But if not executed properly, the waxing can turn your eyebrows into disasters. So, let us talk about a few important things that should be considered before doing an eyebrow wax. Here we go:

1. Start with a Patch Test
Your skin is not that prone to allergy and you have already used a number of chemical products for different purposes. Well, this is not at all a good reason to skip the patch test. Always take a little wax and apply it on a small part of your hand prior to reaching the eyebrows. If it is extremely hot or if you see an abnormal change in that part of your skin, make a switch immediately.
2. Hair Must be Long
Short eyebrow hairs? You are surely going to face a problem during waxing. Until the hair in your eyebrows grow at least (1/4)-inch long, you should not go for a waxing. Or else, there will be nothing for the warm wax to take a hold and you will end up messing up everything.
3. Trimming is Necessary
Just like your locks, your eyebrows will also have a few hairs that are comparatively longer. It is better to trim them beforehand in order to make the rest of the process smooth. You can simply brush up your eyebrows to find those ‘odd man out’ and trim them with a small pair of scissors.
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4. Cleansing Can be Helpful
Cleansing the area around your eyebrows can facilitate the method of waxing. There are pre-wax cleansers available in the market which can make your task easy. Also, dust a little powder over the region so that the hairs do not get stick to each other.
5. It Hurts at First
Yes, it does. Especially, if it is your first attempt, you are going to have an extremely painful experience. But the more you will opt for an eyebrow wax, the lesser pain you will feel. Uprooting the hair each time will slow down their growth considerably. Moreover, they will also not come out thicker. Hence, the extent of pain will go lower with time.
6. Numbing Products are Available
If you are still worried about the pain, make use of a numbing product. There are lot of numbing creams and sprays available in the market. Just choose a quality one and apply it on the skin around your eyebrows with the help of a cotton ball at least half-an hour ago.
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7. It May Have Side Effects
Not always, but sometime eyebrow waxing may induce a couple of side effects on your skin. Extreme irritation, redness, swelling, etc. are some of the most common symptoms experienced by people with sensitive skin.
8. Post-Waxing Care is Vital
You are done with the waxing does not mean that you are completely done. It is of utmost importance that you clean off the whole area with a baby oil or a simple wax remover. In order to soothe your skin right after the waxing, choose to apply an aloe-based post-wax gel or lotion.
Keep these points in mind and enjoy a safe waxing!
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