How to Get Rid of Facial Redness: Home Remedies and Useful Tips

Facial redness is one of the most common skin conditions in which the face of a person turns red, becomes very much sensitive and sometimes even flushes easily. It is important to figure out the factors that are triggering the condition and take preventive measures or follow remedies accordingly. It may be the side effect of any medicine that you have been taking since last few months, beauty or makeup product that you have started to apply on a trial basis or even certain environmental conditions that are not suiting your skin. Once you come to know the underlying cause, it becomes much easy for you to treat the problem.
Facial Redness
Here are some highly effective home remedies to treat facial redness the natural way:
Cucumber Mask
Peel and grate a fresh, juicy cucumber (just taken out of the refrigerator) and apply it all over your face or only to the affected areas as a facial mask. You can also make thin slices of it and lay them on your facial skin. After 20 minutes or so, remove the cucumber from your face and rinse off with plain cold water. Being a natural anti-inflammatory agent, cucumber can heal facial redness fast while giving us a cooling sensation. The vitamin C content of the fruit also helps in clearing the redness of the face efficiently.
Cold Compress
Applying cold compresses on the reddened parts of the face can be extremely helpful in reducing it. Take soft clean washcloth and hold it under chilled running water until it turns extremely cold. Place it on the red parts of your face for some time and then remove. You can also place a few ice cubes on the washcloth to prepare a cold pack or simply make use of an ice bag. This will decrease inflammation and soothe the skin perfectly so that your redness fades away over time.
Manuka Honey
Manuka honey is considered as the best quality honey, which is native to New Zealand. Being full of potent antioxidants and having strong anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties, it can fight against facial redness and heal it efficiently. All you need to do is to take a couple of tablespoons of manuka honey and massage your face with it. You can use it as a regular cleanser too.
Manuka Honey
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is a time-honored herbal medicine that has been used for soothing inflamed skin and improving its quality to a great extent. You can either take a fresh aloe leaf and scoop out the gel-like substance from it or simply purchase pure aloe vera gel from your local store. Now, massage it into your facial skin twice everyday by using your fingertips and putting very slight pressure. The redness of your face will vanish within a few weeks.
Coconut Oil
The natural moisturizing quality of coconut oil can help you get rid of the red face issue easily. It is loaded with emollient substances, such as lauric acid, which are known for their great antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. Take (1/4)th teaspoon of pure coconut oil and massage it gently into the facial skin. Practice it every day at bedtime and the result will be visible within a few days.
 Colloidal Oatmeal Mask
Colloidal oatmeal, which is basically the pulverized form of oats, is known to have excellent anti-inflammatory, protective and calming effects on our skin with least probabilities of irritation or allergies. So, add needed amount of water to 2 tablespoons of colloidal oatmeal (100% pure) and mix well to prepare a facial mask of medium consistency. Apply and allow drying at least for 10 minutes. Rinse away with fresh cold water. Repeat 4 times every week for best results.
Colloidal Oatmeal Mask
Aspirin Paste
Aspirin, one of the most common anti-inflammatory drugs, can also play a key role in reducing the redness of your face. It contains salicylic acid, which has great positive impacts on many of our skin conditions. Prepare a smooth paste by dissolving (1/2) of an aspirin tablet in 3-4 drops of distilled water and apply it all over the troubled parts of the face. Wait for half an hour and then, wash it away.
 Apart from the aforementioned remedies, there are some useful tips that will help you heal your red face and prevent its’ recurrence. We have listed them down:
  • Consume 8 to 10 glasses of water every single day.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet to provide sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals to your sin.
  • Try to make your diet an anti-inflammatory one so that you can stay away from developing systematic inflammation. Keep spicy junks, alcohol, hot drinks, etc. at bay and opt for cooling food like cucumber, watermelon, spinach, celery, and so on.
  • Clean and exfoliate your face not more than twice a day and thrice a week respectively. Always use mild cleanser and scrub. Also, be very gentle during the procedures.
Give these home remedies a try and follow the tips along with that. Your facial skin will get healed from inside and you will be able to remain worry-free in the long run.

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