Does lemon juice lighten your skin?

Lemon has been accepted as a natural skin lightening product since long. Its high content of vitamin C and antioxidants make it a wonder fruit that is known as ‘natural bleaching agent’. Though there are several thoughts and controversies regarding lemon and its diverse skin lightening effects, there is no doubt that it can help you enjoy a fairer skin tone within days in the most natural and effective manner.

Benefits of Lemon Juice for Skin Lightening Purpose
Small in size yet full of benefits, lemon is loaded with multiple beauty properties that are sure to make your skin look vibrant and attractive in an effortless manner. Some of the prominent benefits that you get to enjoy by regular usage of lemon juice on skin include the following:

It exfoliates the skin from deep inside and gives you a glowing and radiant exterior. Having properties of bleaching such as alpha hydroxy acids, lemon assists in shedding off dead skin cells. It thereby prevents clogging of skin pores which tends to make your skin look rough and coarser, allowing it to breathe and grow better.

Its healthy content of Vitamin C is another excellent benefit of using lemon. From pigmentation reduction to removal of skin tan, dark spots and more, lemon is the handiest and natural solution to get a lighter and brighter skin tone easily.
Lemon juice is also useful in removing blackheads and extra oil from different body parts such as nose, forehead etc. It makes your skin look non-greasy and lively by avoiding blockage of skin pores perfectly. Use lemon juice regularly on the affected area and you will get the best relief without any side effects.

Another prominent benefit of using lemon juice is that it prevents your skin from the harsh UV rays of sun, thus acting as a natural sunscreen solution that retains your original skin tone.

How to Use Lemon Juice for Skin Lightening Purpose
Forget about using those cosmetic skin lightening products available over the counter shops. You can use natural benefits of lemon juice for your skin quite easily and regularly. While some prefer to use it directly on the skin, others opt for some face packs to ensure maximum profit. Below we have talked about some of the way to use lemon juice in order to get a healthy and glowing skin tone within weeks:
1. Squeeze fresh lemon juice in a spray bottle and use it regularly on your face, hands and neck skin thoroughly. Wash off with cold water after leaving for 15-20 minutes.
2. On the other hand, if you suffer from itchy feeling due to direct contact of lemon juice on skin, various homemade face packs can be at your help. Mix gram flour, lemon juice and other ingredients such as honey, aloe vera, sandalwood etc to it and apply it evenly. Allow it to dry for 20-25 minutes and wash off.

3. Take fresh lemon juice on a cotton ball and apply it on your skin in circular movement for 10 minutes. Make sure that you use only original lemon juice and not the bottled solutions available in the market. Most of these packaged items are diluted with water, making it less effective.

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