10 Amazing Home Remedies to Get Rid of Peeling Fingertips

Many of us experience the issue of peeling fingertips every now and then. It is a very common skin condition that can be resulted from a number of factors. Though it is a temporary problem, it causes significant discomfort and looks extremely bad. So, if you want to get rid of your peeling fingertips fast, here are 10 amazing home remedies for you:

1. Warm Water
Take some warm water (should not burn out the skin) in a bowl and soak your fingers in it for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, pat them dry and apply vitamin E oil, olive oil or simply a good quality moisturizer. Do it at least once every day.
2. Coconut Oil
Apply some pure coconut oil on your fingers liberally. It is advised that you do it before going to bed and rinse off with a gentle cleanser in the next morning. Doing it twice or thrice a day will give the best results.

3. Cucumber
Take a few thick slices of cucumber and rub your fingers with them gently focusing on the tips. You can also grate a fresh cucumber and apply it onto the affected areas. In both cases, the skin should get enough time (at least half an hour) to absorb the juice. Finally, wash off with lukewarm water.
4. Honey
Massage your peeling fingertips with some pure raw honey. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then, rinse with tepid water. You can also blend some honey with some pure olive oil and apply to your fingers daily. Application of a mixture of honey, rose water and sandalwood powder will also help you get rid of peeling fingertips.
5. Milk
Take some full-fat milk and massage the troubled parts of your fingers gently. To make the process even more effective, add a little raw honey to the milk. Just like soaking your fingers in warm water, you can soak them in warm milk too. Doing it only for 10 minutes day will be immensely helpful.
6. Banana
Mash a small ripe banana and mix a little sour cream with it nicely. Apply this onto your fingers for 15 to 20 minutes every day. If you want to get an extra dose of moisture, just add pure olive oil and crushed sugar to the mixture. Blend well and apply generously to your fingertips to cure the problem fully.

7. Aloe Vera
Take out the gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf and massage your fingertips with it gently. The cooling as well as soothing properties of the plant will help you get relief from the pain, irritation and inflammation of the peeling fingertips, thereby speeding up the process of healing.
8. Oats
Add some oatmeal powder to a bowl of warm water and dip your fingers in it. After 15 to 20 minutes of soaking, wash them off with plain water. Finally, pat them dry and lather some moisturizer on. Do it every day before going to bed.
9. Olive Oil
Take some extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in a bowl and warm it up. Add a few drops of essential oil (lavender essential oil will be a good choice) to it and submerge your fingers. After 10 to 15 minutes, wash them with plain water and apply moisturizer. Try to wash your hands (whenever needed) with a blend of olive oil and water. Otherwise, massage your fingertips with some olive oil each time you wash your hands with normal water.
10. Mint Juice
Prepare an infusion by adding a handful of fresh mint leaves to a cup of boiling water. Or, simply extract the fresh juice from them. Apply it onto the tips of your fingers either directly or with a small cotton ball. Leave for the whole night and then, rinse off in the next morning with some tepid water.


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