Homemade Face Packs To Treat Open Pores

Well you may be getting tremendous joy looking at your face in the mirror each day. But the smile and happiness can however change when you spot open pores on the face. Though open pores happen to be small openings on the skin, they can lead to irritating skin problems such as acne, pimples and blackheads. There are no lasting formulas and treatments that can help clog the unclogged pores. Thankfully there are a couple of home remedies in the form of face packs that can reduce the pore size and diminish them. Try them out and see the relief back on your face.  
Mash a papaya thoroughly and make a paste of it. Now apply it over your face evenly. After 30 minutes, wash it with lukewarm water. It is a wonderful remedy in tightening the skin pores and bringing elasticity to the facial muscles. Moreover, the antioxidant in the papaya improves and repairs skin texture.

High in lactic acid, yogurt helps minimize open pores and reduce fine lines on face. Apply it on face and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse it with normal water and pat dry with a face towel. Those having oily skin should preferably mix egg white into the yogurt and then apply on face. Repeat this twice a week to get healthy looking face.
Baking Soda
Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water. This acts as a tonic in removing the dirt and oil on your face and reducing pores.
 Honey and Lemon Juice
Mix 1 tbsp honey with ½ tsbp fresh lemon juice. Add a pinch of sugar to the liquid base. Since honey is natural humectant, it works as an anti-irritant and anti-microbial agent. Lemon owing to its astringent properties plays its role in shrinking pores. Massage the mixture on your face focusing more on the skin around your nose and on your chin which is the breeding ground for enlarged pores. Leave the preparation on for 5 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Gram Flour and Curd 
Add 2 tbsp of curd to 1 tbsp of gram flour and apply it on your face. After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off with cold water and dry the face with a smooth cloth. This type of remedy is effective for dry skin. Use this pack two times a week in order to reduce the pore size.
Multani Mitti and Rose Water
Mix equal quantity of the above ingredients and apply it on face. This kind of pack works wonders in treating enlarged pores for oily skin. If you have dry skin, try not to use this face pack frequently.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural astringent that tones your skin. Mix it with water and with the help of cotton swab and apply it on your face. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off. This will help tighten the face pores and keep the pH balance intact. Moreover, the antimicrobial property of this vinegar helps in treating acne and other such bacterial infections.

Some More Friendly Tips
Use a pore-minimizing cream containing retinoic acid and Vitamin A regularly to reduce the pore size.
Carry some blotting papers with you in order to wipe out excess oil from face.
Scrub your face with sugar cubes. It not only cleans the skin but cleans pores naturally.
Avoid using astringents or toners that have more alcohol as this will dry the skin and open out pores.
Try using oil-free makeup products and lessen the usage of makeup on your face.
Get started today using the suggested tips and smile away to a younger looking face.

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