DIY Homemade Face Scrub Recipes for Acne, Oily Skin

Oily skin with its greasy feel can be quite troublesome to manage. Not only it makes your face appear odd amidst crowd, it also results in various skin problems such as pimples, rashes and acnes. Hence people suffering from oily skin problems need to be extra careful about their hygiene and skincare regime.

Scrub To Get Rid Of Oily Skin and Acne Problem
Scrubbing is one of the primary steps to follow in beauty regime of oily skin and acne problem. Proper massage of your face and neck with a scrub helps in removing the dirt along with dead skins and extra oil, thus giving you a glowing healthy skin. It is however suggested that you opt for natural scrubs instead of cosmetic ones to avoid chemical reactions.
 Homemade Recipes of Face Scrub for Acne and Oily Skin
With some quick kitchen items, you can easily make your own facial scrub and get relieve from troubles of oily skin in a jiffy. Use it without fear of side effects as these natural ingredients are completely harmless. Check out to know more about homemade face scrubs that are suited to eliminate acne and oily skin evils.
Oat, honey and yogurt scrub:  Acne requires deep cleaning process that wipes out all dirt and pollution from skin, thereby allowing the pores to breathe. You can try out oatmeal scrub which includes balanced quantity of honey and yogurt mixed in it. Make a smooth batter by blending these three ingredients together and apply it on face and neck in circular motion. Massage your face for 7-10 minutes and allow it to dry before rinsing off with cold, clean water.

Olive oil, lemon juice and honey scrub: Another natural facial scrub for acne and oily skin problem is this moisturizing solution that removes dirt, clean skin pores and also act as a natural astringent. Take all the ingredients in a bowl and mix together in a smooth way. Apply it evenly on face with clean hands and then rub in circular movement. Wash off after 4-5 minutes and clean dry with a soft towel.

 Sugar, honey and cucumber scrub: Mash a cucumber and mix it with equal quantity of sugar and honey. Stir and blend it constantly to make a face scrub that will eradicate all dead skin cells effectively. The sugar content absorbs all extra oil and lubricates the skin in a positive manner. To get best results, massage the scrub with fingertips in circular motion for 5 minutes. Clean your face with warm water; and pat it dry with a soft towel.

Almond, sugar and cucumber scrub: Grind the cucumber and almond together in a mixer to make a paste of it. Add sugar granules in it and blend thoroughly till all the ingredients get mixed completely. Ensure that it is soft and consistent without any lump. Clean your face with this face scrub once every day to get radiant skin easily.

Egg white, strawberry and olive oil: Beat the egg whites for 3-4 minutes so that it becomes frothy and creamy. Blend some strawberries in a mixer and add its extracts with the egg white. Stir constantly to get it rightly combined. Pour few drops of olive oil in it and mix once again to get your facial scrub ready.


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