6 Great Skin Care Benefits of Carrot Seed Oil
Carrot seed oil is a golden-yellow colored liquid extracted from the dehydrated seeds and roots of carrot or Daucus Carota through steam distillation met...
Are Scrubs harmful for your skin?
Scrubbing your skin is accepted as an important part of skin restoration and beauty regime. However, it is advised by dermatologists that excess usage of scrub...
18 Amazing Tips to Turn Your Dark or Black Lips Rosy Pink
Dark or black lips are nothing but highly pigmented lips. It can be resulted from poor food habit, unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, excessive s...
10 Bad Skin Habits to Avoid
We always admire a glowing and healthy looking skin, but how many of us even follow the basic rules of skin care properly in our daily life? It’s true that with a fast pa...
Does lemon juice lighten your skin?
Lemon has been accepted as a natural skin lightening product since long. Its high content of vitamin C and antioxidants make it a wonder fruit that is known as ‘n...
Best Foods for Skin Whitening
Soft glowing skin is the desire of every woman in order to look beautiful and attractive. At the same time, it is observed that majority of women, especially in As...
Homemade Hand and Feet Whitening Cream
The skin of hands and feet are the most uncovered part of our body that not only manages variety of household works but also stay open to direct UV sunr...
Best Under Eye Creams for Dark Circles
Our stressful lifestyles wreak havoc on our body. Our modern lifestyles are such that our bodies are subjected to a lot of processed and refined foods, without...
The Best Stretch Mark Removal Creams to Try
Anyone could suffer from ugly stretch marks. Whether you are skinny or fat, pregnant or not; stretch marks can rear their ugly head anytime you los...
Home Remedies for Skin Whitening
‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’… but in most Asian nations, there is an undeclared inclination towards whiter and fairer complexion. According to surveys and...